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Amwell for providers:
Automated Care Programs

Support patients throughout their care journey with a personalized virtual companion.

Physician talking to a patient on a laptop

Guiding patients to better outcomes

Amwell Automated Care Programs act as an extension of your care team, using intelligent, profile-driven and clinically based conversations to help you monitor and manage patient care.

The Amwell difference:

Icon virtual care, better access

Engage patients between visits

Chat-based check-ins allow your providers and care teams to effectively engage with patients, proactively identify potential issues, and initiate necessary interventions and escalations when needed.

Icon improve outcomes

Ensure care plan adherence

Patient-generated data gives you the assurance that patients are adhering to their treatment plans, and if a chat response indicates that they are not, care can be immediately escalated to a virtual or in-person visit.

Icon streamline operations

Patient monitoring and outreach

Automating patient conversations and clinical data collection empowers care teams to triage patients and maximize clinical outcomes and operational efficiencies.

  • 95%

    of consumers

    say virtual companions helped them manage their medical condition

  • 89%


    in premature treatment termination

  • 69%

    of consumers closed a gap in care

    ACP Gaps in Care program

  • 48%

    reduction in no-show and cancellation rates

    ACP Colonoscopy program

SDOH a doctor enabling hybrid care with purpose

Social Determinants of Health

Corporate Responsibility

Explore Amwell solutions that can help you address social determinants of health (SDOH) through enhanced access, whole-person care, and affordability options. 

automated care programs text to start

Text “Hello” to 77877 see how an Automated Care Program works.

Message and data rates may apply.

Amwell ED Post-Discharge Program

Spotlight: Amwell ED Post-Discharge Program

Help patients better navigate their physical and mental health conditions following a visit to the emergency department. Through this program, your peers have reduced ED readmissions rates and seen substantial cost savings.

What your peers are saying...

With provider shortages and the high cost of clinical staff, our automated care programs are really making a big impact. We’re using our clinical staff at the top of their license. We don’t have nurses making outbound phone calls to check on a patient post discharge; that nurse is primarily focused on where that intervention needs to help, and we’re doing that in a timelier way than we could do otherwise.

Stacey Porter

Vice President, Digital Health Solutions, University Hospitals
With Amwell, virtual therapy visits could be launched straight from the patient’s phone without needing to download anything. Another important feature is the ability for therapists or clinicians leading group therapy to see all the patients on their screen while also having access to [Amwell’s] chat feature.

Susan Little

Clinical Coordinator, Cabell Huntington Hospital
Our clinicians have liked developing the automated care program and the thought that they could reduce some of the return visits to the emergency room and misunderstandings that can occur in a post-op, and ensure that families, parents, guardians know how to care for their child after they leave the hospital.

Suzan Voltz

Administrator of Telehealth, Nemours Children's Health