amwell logo white with registered tm amwell logo blue with registered tm

Converge platform for payers:
Urgent Care

Provide quick and easy access to medical care 24/7.

online urgent care patient on the phone with provider

Expand access while reducing costs

Help your members conveniently and effectively address urgent healthcare needs without visiting the emergency department or going to the local urgent care center. With Converge Urgent Care, members can see a board-certified clinician in minutes—no appointment needed. 

The Converge difference

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Increase access to quality care

With Converge Urgent Care, members can see a board-certified physician immediately with wait times averaging less than 10 minutes.

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Enhance and deepen networks

If specialty or in-person care is needed, Amwell Medical Group® physicians can refer members back to the health plan to coordinate care with an in-network provider, reducing the potential that members seek care in higher cost settings.

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Improve the member experience

An embedded consumer experience allows members to access urgent care through existing front doors without needing to download an additional application. 

SDOH a doctor enabling hybrid care with purpose

Social Determinants of Health

Corporate Responsibility

Explore Amwell solutions that can help you address social determinants of health (SDOH) through enhanced access, whole-person care, and affordability options. 

Devices with green circles

Experience you can trust

Your future-ready Converge platform is powered by 15+ years of hybrid care experience. Many of your peers put their trust in Amwell every day to bring their hybrid care ambitions to life.

What your peers are saying...

It’s no surprise that urgent care is the most heavily utilized service for our members. We’ve received great reception on the urgent care side.

Bob Hartman

Program Director of Product Strategy, MVP Health Care